
The faculty in 的 Sociology Department are dedicated to student success 和 making 对社区的影响. Many are first generation college graduates who underst和 的 challenges that students face in 的ir educational journey. 偷偷看一看 at 的 faculty by clicking on 的ir bio.

Hortencia吉梅内斯Hortencia吉梅内斯 was born in Nayarit Mexico 和 raised in 的 agriculture community of 除去CA. Hortencia spent her childhood years working in 的 fields 和 learned 的 ethic of hard work 和 perseverance. Hortencia holds a BA, MA, 和 Ph.社会学博士 和 is proud to be a first generation college graduate from an immigrant background. 她 也 a certified Heath Coach providing free workshops in 的 Latinx community in Monterey
. Dr. Jimenez is a proud mo的r of three kids ages 14, 12, 和 9. 她有一种激情 for cooking 和 loves to share her recipes 和 undieting educational information @drhortenciajimenez. 想了解更多易世博博士的信息. Jimenez, you can visit her professional 网站 


梅根McDrew has been teaching sociology at 易世博 since Fall 2016 on campus, remotely 和 with 的 Rising Scholars Prison program where she instructs sociology at both CTF Soledad 和 Salinas Valley Prison. 梅根也指导 courses at UC Santa Cruz as well as UC Merced. 她和圣克鲁斯一起工作 Public Defender's office investigating juvenile defense cases. 她热衷于 prison reform 和 activism 和 is in 的 process of creating a Restorative Justice Center at UC Santa Cruz where 的 mission is to transform oppressive, retributive systems of punishment into ones that are rooted in transformative justice 和 a 治疗精神.

赛义德·沙阿 欢迎! My name is 赛义德·沙阿 和 I have been teaching Sociology part-time for Hartnell 2017年至今. I enjoyed working as an instructor 和 helping students strive to succeed for a brighter future. 下面是我的简短介绍;


  • 在巴基斯坦出生和长大
  • 2003年移民美国
  • 多语言:乌尔都语,普什图语 & 英语
  • Family of 6 which includes my wife, 4 children 和 myself.


  • Master of Arts (MA) Sociology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan (2001)
  • Master of Social Work (MSW) California State University, Stanislaus (2008)


  • Worked as a social worker in 的 field of Child Welfare (2008-2016)
  • Working as a social worker for Adult Protective Services (2016-Present)


  • 视频制作,看看我的 网站



我在加州的冈萨雷斯长大. My family is from Guanajuato, Mexico- Chupicuaro 和 利昂.

Because of my parents sacrificios 和 apoyo, I was able to go to college 和 pursue my passion for learning 和 education. 我毕业于CSUMB (B).A.)及大学 美国犹他大学(硕士和博士). I have a ten year old daughter. 在我的业余时间我喜欢 to spend time with my family, watch cooking shows 和 Grey’s Anatomy.


Rosalinda Godinez

我得了B.A. in Sociology from Washington State University 和 am currently 攻读博士学位.D. in 教育 (with an emphasis in Social 和 Cultural Studies) from 的 University of California, Berkeley. 

I am 的 proud daughter of Mexican campesinos (farmworkers). 我有很多真心的 memories of my time learning from my parents in 的 vineyards 和 orchards, which is a profound experience that has influenced my advocacy within communities. 自 I’ve spent 的 majority of my life in school, my advocacy has been done through educational 研究. I use 研究 as an opportunity to honors 的 education 和 pedagogical approaches of (im)migrant communities. 

I enjoy teaching (和 learning) sociology because I see how helpful it is to students in underst和ing 的 world around 的m in ways that go beyond individual-blaming narratives. It brings me joy to facilitate discussions 和 see students engage in a process of underst和ing (和 application) of macro-micro connections through critical 和 feminist 视角.